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Concurrency II

CIS 198 Lecture 11

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More Concurrency Primitives!

  • RwLock
  • Barrier
  • CondVar
  • Once
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  • A reader-writer lock.
  • Similar to a Mutex, but has separate modes for reading and writing access.
  • Allows data access to many readers or one writer.
    • Trying to acquire a lock may block depending on the borrow state of the container.
  • Inner T must be Send + Sync.
  • May also be poisoned like a Mutex.
    • Poisoning only occurs if a writer panics.
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  • Useful if you have many threads requesting reads and few requesting writes.
  • RwLock allows safe, concurrent access with better performance (fewer lockouts; more concurrency) in some situations.
  • Compare with a Mutex, which locks everyone else out.
    • Not strictly better; RwLock only works on Sync types - otherwise, you really need mutual exclusion.
  • Compare with a RefCell, which also encodes the single-writer-or-multiple-reader idea, but panics instead of blocking on conflicts and is never thread-safe (Sync).
  • As with Mutex, an RwLock could cause deadlock under certain conditions.
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  • A type to allow multiple threads to synchronize on a computation.
  • Created for a fixed number of threads.
  • Threads may call wait on a copy of the Barrier to "report" their readiness.
  • Blocks n - 1 threads and wakes all blocked threads when the nth thread reports.
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  • Another primitive to help ensure consistent world views!
  • Recall from last lecture: how do you ensure all threads see the same data?
    • For example, readers may want to be guaranteed that all writes have completed before they read.
    • Able to synchronize on this action with a Barrier.
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  • A "condition variable".
  • Blocks a thread so that it consumes no CPU time while waiting for an event.
  • Generally associated with a Mutex wrapping some boolean predicate, which is the blocking predicate.
  • Logically similar to having a thread do this:
while !predicate { }
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  • A nice way to put a thread "on hold".
  • Does not require holding any locks.
  • We could have the thread spin in a loop as above, but that would waste CPU time.
    • The waiting thread has to be scheduled to spin-wait.
    • Repeatedly checking the predicate might also require acquiring a lock, which might cause other thread to deadlock.
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  • Motivating example: producer/consumer problem.
    • Producer threads add items to a bounded queue
    • Consumer threads take them off.
  • Full queue: producer threads should wait until it has space.
  • Empty queue: consumer threads should wait until it has items.
  • Both producers & consumers can wait on a condition variable.
    • Threads can be woken when the queue is ready.
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  • A primitive to run a one-time global initialization.
  • Regardless of how many times once.call_once(function) is called, only the first one will execute.
    • After that, it's guaranteed that the initialization was run, and all memory writes performed are visible from all threads.
  • Allows the code to attempt initialization more than once (e.g. one per thread).
  • Useful for doing one-time initialization to call foreign functions (e.g. functions from a C library).
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  • Instruction Reordering
  • Atomicity
  • Rust Atomics
  • Data Access
  • Atomic Memory Ordering

¹ Some section content borrowed from The Rustonomicon

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Instruction Reordering

  • Ordinarily, the compiler may reorder instructions in your program semi-arbitrarily.
    • Unless there are compiler bugs, your code should at least have sequential consistency.
  • Instructions may also be optimized out by the compiler.
  • In single-threaded code, these optimizations are fine.
  • In multi-threaded code, we might have relied on x being equal to 1 at some point, and this optimization may be bogus!
x = 1;
y = 2; =====> x = 3;
x = 3; y = 2;
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Hardware Reordering

  • Even if the compiler behaves, the CPU may decide to shake things up.
  • Due to memory hierarchies, hardware doesn't guarantee that all threads see the same view.
    • Events may occur in one order on thread 1, and in a totally different order on thread 2.
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Hardware Reordering

  • This code has two possible final states:
    • y = 3 (thread 1 writes to y after thread 2 reads y)
    • y = 6 (thread 1 writes to y before thread 2 reads y)
  • Hardware reordering enables a third final state: y = 2.
    • Here, thread 2 read x, didn't read y = 3, and then wrote y = 2 * 1.
Initially: x = 0, y = 1;
Thread 1 | Thread 2
y = 3; | if x == 1 {
x = 1; | y *= 2;
| }
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Hardware Reordering

  • In order to ensure events happen in the order we want them to, the compiler needs to emit special CPU instructions.
  • Even so, different CPUs have different guarantees surrounding these instructions.
  • Some CPUs guarantee strong event ordering by default, others weak ordering.
    • Strong ordering guarantees causes less instruction reordering.
  • Different hardware may have different performance depending on the type of guarantees provided.
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  • What are atomics?
  • An operation is atomic if it appears to occur "instantly" from the program's perspective.
    • Not time-instant, but instruction-instant.
  • An atomic operation is not divisible into sub-operations.
  • Atomicity is an important property to ensure that certain operations will not be broken up by thread interleaving.
  • Atomic operations are a compiler intrinsic, and are handled by special CPU instructions.
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  • Rust's atomic primitives define this behavior at the type level.
  • Four kinds: AtomicUsize, Isize, Bool, Ptr
  • Standard atomics are safe to share between threads (Sync).
  • Most non-primitive types in std::sync use these primitives (Arc, Mutex, etc.).
    • If you want to build your own thread-safe types, you probably need to use atomics.
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Data Access

  • An atomic type's value may not be used by simple member variable access.
    • e.g., you can't just access the value of an AtomicUsize freely.
    • Atomic variables are not true language primitives like usize.
  • Instead, you must load from the struct to read its value, and store a value to update it.
  • More complex operations may also be performed (e.g., swap, fetch-and-add).
    • We'll see why these are useful later.
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Atomic Memory Ordering

  • All operations on atomics require an Ordering.
  • An Ordering describes how the compiler & CPU may reorder instructions surrounding atomic operations.
  • Rust uses the same memory orderings as LLVM, and the same atomic model as C11.
  • You won't usually have to worry about this unless you're building concurrency libraries from the ground up.
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Concurrency Applications

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Multithreaded Networking

  • Networking lends itself well to multithreading.
  • Socket operations are often blocking, so running several operations in parallel is convenient.
  • A program can listen on a socket on one thread, and send over a socket on another.
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Multithreaded Networking

  • A server listening for client connections might want to spawn one thread per connection.
    • Each client thread will block until it receives a message.
    • Messages can be relayed to the main thread using channels!
  • The main thread could also use a channel to relay messages back to clients.
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Multithreaded Networking

  • This model unfortunately does not scale well.
    • Spawning threads is expensive.
    • Destroying threads is expensive.
  • A more complex model using thread pools* is often necessary.
    • A set of threads is pre-allocated, e.g. one thread per CPU core.
    • Rather than blocking, each thread will poll each client socket (asynchronously).
    • Data may be available immediately as a consequence.

¹ More on these in a bit.

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  • A data parallelism library developed by Niko Matsakis, inspired by Cilk.
  • Two primary features:
    • Parallel iterators: take iterator chains and execute them in parallel.
    • rayon::join, which converts recursive divide-and-conquer iterators to execute in parallel.
  • Statically guarantees data race safety!
    • This may seem to contradict what we said last week, but Rayon achieves this property via allowing particular, limited data access per thread.
  • Still pretty experimental, so user beware.
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Parallel Iterators

  • Parallel iterators are really easy!
    • (As long as everything is Send and Sync)
  • Just use par_iter() or par_iter_mut() instead of the non-par_ variants.
  • Rayon also provides a number of parallel iterator adapters (map, fold, filter, etc.).
// Increment all values in a slice
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn increment_all(input: &mut [i32]) {
.for_each(|p| *p += 1);
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Recursive Divide-And-Conquer

  • Recursive divide-and-conquer problems can be parallelized using Rayon's join method.
  • Parallel iterators are built on this method, and par_iter() abtracts over it.
  • join takes two closures and potentially runs them in parallel.
    • Lets the program decide on the use of parallelism dynamically.
    • Effectively an annotation to say "run this in parallel if you can."
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Recursive Divide-And-Conquer

  • We can rewrite increment_all() using join().
  • Even though this actually complicates the implementation.
// Increment all values in slice.
fn increment_all(slice: &mut [i32]) {
if slice.len() < 1000 {
for p in slice { *p += 1; }
} else {
let mid_point = slice.len() / 2;
let (left, right) = slice.split_at_mut(mid_point);
rayon::join(|| increment_all(left),
|| increment_all(right));
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Recursive Divide-And-Conquer

  • join() can also be used to implement things like parallel quicksort:
fn quick_sort<T:PartialOrd+Send>(v: &mut [T]) {
if v.len() <= 1 {
let mid = partition(v); // Choose some partition
let (lo, hi) = v.split_at_mut(mid);
rayon::join(|| quick_sort(lo), || quick_sort(hi));
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Recursive Divide-And-Conquer

  • Be careful: join is not the same as just spawning two threads (one per closure).
  • If all CPUs are already busy, Rayon will opt to run the closures in sequence.
  • join is designed to have low overhead, but may have performance implications on small workloads.
    • You may want to have a serial fallback for smaller workloads.
    • Parallel iterators already have this in place, but join is lower-level.
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  • Basic examples that would intuitively violate borrowing rules are invalid in Rayon:
// This fails to compile, since both threads in `join`
// try to borrow `slice` mutably.
fn increment_all(slice: &mut [i32]) {
rayon::join(|| process(slice), || process(slice));
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  • Rayon is guaranteed to be free of data races.
  • Rayon itself cannot cause deadlocks.
  • As a consequence, you can't use any types with Rayon which are not thread-safe.
  • The Rayon docs suggest these conversions for thread-unsafe types:
    • Cell -> AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, etc.
    • RefCell -> RwLock
    • Rc -> Arc
  • However, there are some nuances to these conversions, and they can't be done blindly.
    • This is true when using concurrency in general.
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  • Using (Ref)Cell-like structures in parallel has some pitfalls due to code interleaving.
  • Something like an Rc<Cell<usize>> can't be blindly logically converted to an Arc<AtomicUsize>.
  • Consider this example, where ts is an Arc<AtomicUsize>:
Thread 1 | Thread 2
let value = |
ts.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
// value = X | let value =
| ts.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
| // value = X
ts.store(value+1); | ts.store(value+1);
// ts = X+1 | // ts = X+1
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  • Above, ts only gets incremented by 1, but we expect it to get incremented twice.
  • To guarantee that this happens, we need something better than just load and store.
  • fetch_add is more appropriate (and correct!) in this case.
    • This method performs an atomic load & store in one operation.
  • Atomicity of operations needs to be accounted for in these cases.
  • Once again, concurrency primitives are not magic bullets.
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  • Why doesn't Rust automatically protect from the above example? Isn't that the whole point of Rust?
  • The type system prevents you from making basic mistakes, but thread interleaving is sometimes useful.
  • Example: a shortest-route search in parallel that terminates a thread when it goes beyond the current shortest path length.
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  • Rayon is built on the concept of work stealing.
  • Conceptually, there is a pool of threads in memory, typically one per CPU, that can run tasks.
  • When you call join(a, b), a is started, and b gets put on a queue of pending work.
  • Any idle threads will scan the queue of pending tasks and choose one to execute.
  • Once a completes, the thread that ran a checks to see if b was taken off the queue, and runs it if not.
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Scoped Threads

  • Threads which are guaranteed to terminate before the current stack frame goes away.
  • The thread is "scoped" to the stack frame in which it was created.
  • Such threads can access their parent stack frame directly.
    • This data is guaranteed to always be valid from the thread's view.
  • Simple, right? 😼
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Scoped Threads

  • Rust does not have a standard scoped thread library anymore.
  • Instead, there are three notable ones:
  • These are all relatively* similar, so we'll look at some high-level features from each.

*Your personal value of relativity may vary

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Scoped Threads

  • Crossbeam's scoped threads work a bit differently.
  • crossbeam::Scope::defer(function) schedules some code to be executed at the end of its scope.

  • crossbeam::Scope::spawn creates a standalone scoped thread, tied to a parent scope.

    • Created just like regular threads.
  • A scoped thread mandates that its parent scope must wait for it to finish before its scope exits.
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Scoped Threads

  • When you spawn a std thread, the function the thread executes must have the 'static lifetime.
    • This ensures that the thread lives long enough.
  • Because Scope is tied to its parent thread's liftetime, the function the thread executes need only have some 'a lifetime of its parent!
  • This avoids the need to:
    • Explicitly join on threads from some main thread.
    • Potentially put some data in a heavy Arc wrapper just to share it with local threads.
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Scoped Threads

  • Crossbeam scoped threads can also defer their destruction until after they would have been destructed.
  • Crossbeam scoped threads are also totally black magic, you guys.
  • Crossbeam also has a few other concurrency features, but they're somewhat out of scope here.
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Thread Pools

  • Two of these libraries provide thread pools.
  • Thread pools are a collection of threads that can be scheduled to a set of tasks.
  • Threads are created up-front and stored in memory in the pool, and can be dispatched as needed.
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Thread Pools

  • Threads are not destroyed when they complete, but are saved for re-use.
  • Ad hoc thread creation & destruction can be very expensive.
  • Choosing a good thread pool size is often an indeterminate problem.
    • Pool size is best chosen based on system requirements.
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Thread Pools

  • scoped_pool provided pools with both scoped and unscoped threads.
  • scoped_threadpool only has scoped pools.
  • Unscoped threads will dispatch from the pool, but will not be waited on to complete.
  • Scoped threads must be waited on by the pool.
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Thread Pools

  • One nice feature of Rust is that thread lifetimes can be expressed explicitly.
  • It's very easy to statically reason about how long threads will live.
    • Can also enforce guarantees about what thread scopes are tied to what lifetimes.
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Interlude: Thread Unsoundness Bug

  • Remember how we said scoped threads used to be in std?
  • Before Rust 1.0, a serious bug was discovered with scoped threads and a few other types.
  • In short, it was possible to create a scoped thread, leak it with mem::forget, and have it end up accessing freed memory.
  • See discussion here and here.
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  • A library for performing asynchronous computations.
  • Employs Futures and Streams, which represent asynchronous computations.
    • Futures are similar to Promises (in JavaScript).

The term promise was proposed in 1976 by Daniel P. Friedman and David Wise, and Peter Hibbard called it eventual. A somewhat similar concept future was introduced in 1977 in a paper by Henry Baker and Carl Hewitt. —Wikipedia

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Futures & Streams

  • A Future is a proxy for a value which is being computed asynchronously.
  • The computation behind a Future may be run in another thread, or may be kicked off as a callback to some other operation.
  • You can think of a Future like a Result whose value is computed asynchronously.
  • Futures can be polled for their information, blocked on, ANDed together with other Futures, etc.
  • Streams are similar to Futures, but represent a sequence of values instead of just one.
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Futures & Streams

extern crate eventual;
use eventual::*;
let f1 = Future::spawn(|| { 1 });
let f2 = Future::spawn(|| { 2 });
let res = join((f1, f2))
.and_then(|(v1, v2)| Ok(v1 + v2))
println!("{}", res); // 3
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  • Futures are useful for offloading slow computational tasks into the "background".
  • Easier than running a raw thread with the desired computation.
  • Example: Requesting large images from an HTTP server might be slow, so it might be better to fetch images in parallel asynchronously.
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More Concurrency Primitives!

  • RwLock
  • Barrier
  • CondVar
  • Once
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